Saturday, July 25, 2009

Basic Tracking of Record

The recording process would differ depending on the type of music being played. A singer and acoustic guitarist would simply come, play and record. A 2 or 3 piece jazz, folk or bluegrass band would come and jam with sporadic microphones to pick up the live experience of their music. We are going to follow the more complicated recording process of the Rock Band.
The band recording process would begin by the band bringing and setting up their instruments: drum kit, bass, guitars, amplifiers, etc… The guitar’s amplifiers get put in and recorded from an “iso booth” to isolate the sound so it doesn’t bleed.

Next you’d set necessary microphones up to every instrument, even every different kick drum and snare. Here’s where you’d say “testing… (tap tap) 1, 2, 1, 2,” you must get the microphones levels checked. All musicians would now be playing with headphones on, adjusted to musicians needs, only what they care to be hearing. The drummer hears a metronome, a steady tapping to keep time. To the computer goes the drum, bass and guitar sounds as separate components to later fix any mistakes. Most of the time it takes about 6 or 7 takes of a song, once the band is satisfied they’d move on to the next until all tracks are laid.

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